The Five Levels Of Leadership - Level 5: Pinnacle
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final level of leadership is the Pinnacle. If you read the original version of this
book, you may recall that I called this level Personhood.
I think Pinnacle is a more descriptive name. This highest level is based on
reputation. This is rarified air.
a few people reach this level. Those who do have ledwell and proven their
leadership over a lifetime, have invested in other leaders and raised them up
to Level 4, and have developed influence not only in their own organizations
but beyond them.
at the Pinnacle level are known not only outside of their ownorganizations but
outside of their fields, their countries, and even their lifetimes. For
example, Jack Welch is a Level 5 leader in business.
Mandela was a Level 5 leader in government. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Level
5 leaderamong social activists. Leonardo da Vinci was a Level 5 leader in the
arts and engineering.
was a Level 5 leader in education and philosophy. Can everyone reach this level
of leadership? No. Should we strive for it? Absolutely.
we shouldn’t focus on it. Why? Because we can’t manufacture respect in others,
nor can we demand it.
must be freely given to us by others, so it’s not within our control. For that
reason, we should focus instead on developing influence on Levels 2, 3, and 4
and work hard to sustain it day after day, year after year, decade after
decade. If we do that, we’ve done all we can do.
John C. Maxwell, 10 Lesson Developing The
Leader Within You, pg. 32-33
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