Do we believe that the universe and all the creation
in it is the great works of God, but the church of God is His Masterpiece?
(Psalm 8:2:4-7, Colossians 1 : 12-19, Proverbs 8:22-31, Ephesians 1:4) in
Ephesians 2:10 “ For we are his workmanship (poiema = work of art, handcraft)
created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we
should walk in them.” Who are the church of God and what are their
Man who died in sins will have a world lifestyle and
mindset, loving the world and its elements – lust of the flesh, lust of the
eyes and pride of life (1 John 2 :15 – 16)
The characteristics of a spiritually dead person:
Following the path of this world (1 John 2:15-16)
· Following the prince of the power of the air, the
spirit that now works in the children of disobedience (Ephesians 2:2)
Sin attacks everyone including the apostles, caused by
following the lust of the flesh and the deceit of mind (Ephesians 2:3)
Does God stay silent and let the sinful man to live
under eternal condemnation? Surely not! But He puts his works on:
· To
put into life/resurrect the church in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6a) because of
His great love and mercy (Ephesians 2:4). How God did that? By giving us
forgiveness (Colossians 2:13-14)
Right after being resurrected along with Christ, the
church will not be in the grave any longer but transferred to the kingdom of
His Son (Colossians 1:13) and given the ability to live a new life (Romans 6:
4,6,11; 8:1-3, 9-11). Illustration: a corpse will produce bad odor and rotten,
and will make an uncomfortable situation for the people surrounding.
The Church
of God consists of many members (1 Corinthians 12:12); if one of the member is
dysfunctional, it will be a problem for other member’s activities, but of
course the other member will not let that happen. Church of God shall not be in
the state of spiritual death, for God has given us life. There will be a tumult
if one of the members dies.
Giving us a place to be with Him in heaven
(Ephesians 2:6b). And it was proven when Jesus returned to Father’s
house to prepare houses for us (John 14:2). In other words, we become heir, the
member of the body, also take part in the promises given by Christ Jesus
(Ephesians 3:2-6, Romans 11:13,17,22).
we the Gentiles, were given grace more than the Israelites, God’s chosen people
that cannot be destroyed even though they have a lot of enemies. God is with
them. Ironically, they are still waiting for the coming of their Messiah up to
this day. They are still looking for the ‘straight path’ while we, the church
of God already received it and live in Him, and we have a guaranteed future
(Ephesians 2:7 compare with Ephesians 1:18-22)
These promises bring peace to the life of the church
of God, that whatever happens in this world, we shall not be dismayed for we
have a place in Heaven. Like when we have two citizenship (let say Indonesia
and USA), if something bad happen in one of these countries (Indonesia for
example), we will not worry, because we have another place to flee (which is
USA off course). Jesus prepares us our homes in heaven. Riot and calamity may
come but we have the eternal safe haven.
we are God’s workmanship (Poiema = work of art,handcraft), we are guaranteed to
have no defects (Ephesians 5:26-27). If there is any, it is God’s
responsibility to fix it. Church is the masterpiece of God that expresses His
wisdom, unlimited in His divine pattern (Ephesians 1:23, Revelation 14:14-15)
Church was made to emit the light of His wisdom that
cannot be comprehended by man’s limited mind.
was created in Christ Jesus to distinguish it from other
creation in the universe. In other words, church is unmatched with His other
creation (James 1:18, Psalm 48:1-4; John 1:12-13; Isaiah 2:2). We are the
firstborn of all of His creation (James 1:18) and in the unity of one body with
Christ as the head of the church.
There are many differences among the member of the
body of Christ, from their background, education, wealth, and so on. This must
be well-managed to avoid chaos so that the wisdom of God can be expressed. Take
example ; if we have the tendency to have gastric pains, we must anticipate it
with eating regularly or even taking some medicines to heal the pain.
We must not blame others if eventually our gastric
pains really occur because of our inability to manage our own eating habits. On
the other hand, we shall not lose hope if we have such limitation. Such
examples can be applied also when we live among the congregation member. We
should manage our difference by improving our way of thinking, how to
communicate, etc. Only by this way, unity and solidity can take place, and in the
end we are able to display the personality of Christ, the head of the church.
. Church was created by God to do good works not by man’s standard which many times have many shortcomings, but a virtue that can be enjoyed by others (Romans 15:1-7)
. Church was created by God to do good works not by man’s standard which many times have many shortcomings, but a virtue that can be enjoyed by others (Romans 15:1-7)
But in reality, chaos took place because of their
self-righteousness. Like in a spouse quarrel, happens because both sides felt
they have done the right things. So do with churches and among nations.
. God has ordained us with good works that we should live with (Ephesians 1:4,9; 3:9-12; 1 Peter 1:12; 1 Corinthians 2:7).
. God has ordained us with good works that we should live with (Ephesians 1:4,9; 3:9-12; 1 Peter 1:12; 1 Corinthians 2:7).
The New Testament has three big parts:
- Historical (5 books) : 4 gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
+ Acts
- Epistles (21 books) : Romans to Jude
- Eschatology (1
book) : Revelation
Through Gospel, we know that the Life has come, and
the gospels showed that the Church already has life. The gospel prophesied
church will be planted and it happens in the book of Acts. The formed churches
faced many problems and dynamics because of human weaknesses then the epistles
occurred to help the church reflecting their life through the help of Holy
If the Israelites were proud because of the Old Testament, then the living Word that became flesh in the New Testament shall be the pride of the Christians for they have the character of Christ.
Remember, that no matter how difficult our work is, because of the enemies, God is walking before us and wage war for us (Deuteronomy 1: 30). And we can face any difficult threat with Him. But it does not mean that with God there will be no problem. Otherwise, we should not fainthearted (Ephesians 3:13) then quitting our ministry. Rather, face the problem along with Him that gives us strength and ability.
If the Israelites were proud because of the Old Testament, then the living Word that became flesh in the New Testament shall be the pride of the Christians for they have the character of Christ.
Remember, that no matter how difficult our work is, because of the enemies, God is walking before us and wage war for us (Deuteronomy 1: 30). And we can face any difficult threat with Him. But it does not mean that with God there will be no problem. Otherwise, we should not fainthearted (Ephesians 3:13) then quitting our ministry. Rather, face the problem along with Him that gives us strength and ability.
Introspection: do our difficulties also make us weak,
and then leave our prayer and worship? Illustration: If we are in sickness,
even the most expensive delicious food will be tasteless, but not for others.
If our spirituality is in weak condition, do not blame others nor the Word of
. God
wants that the church materialize the good work of God by revealing the secret
that is hidden for centuries (Ephesians 3:9-10). In other words, church must
become a new creation (Ephesians 4:1-3,13,17-19,25-26,31) and the children of
light (Ephesians 5:1-2) by implementing the wisdom of God in the personality of
Christ. That is why the church should have authority, sanctity, peace,
etc. In Jesus there is no hatred, church must not keep hatred.
Wonderfully, the angels know the secret within the
gospel when the church that is built by God in Christ is revealed (1 Peter 1:12)
Furthermore, church should have the courage to speak
out the testimony (Ephesians 3 :11-12) and to reflects the magnificent works of
God in our life, that other people who are still living in darkness may see the
light and the glory of our God (Isaiah 60)
we who have been transformed, shall be the light of God to shine those who are still in darkness.
we who have been transformed, shall be the light of God to shine those who are still in darkness.
Although Paul was jailed for the sake of God, he was
still keen to strengthen the church to always live according to their calling (
Ephesians 4:1).It means, our calling should be shown in our repentance an then
implemented in our way of life; holy, humble, passionate, meek, and helpful
(Ephesians 4:2). Christianity should be practiced into our daily life and can
be seen by people surround us.
humility and understanding can take place if we can manage our differences. And the church has a lot to do with the future of this world. When the church is lifted up out of this world, that means the end of the world. Even the future of satan and mankind is in the hand of the church. This will happen when the church rules with Christ in the millennial kingdom (Revelation 20 – Revelation 21:1).
humility and understanding can take place if we can manage our differences. And the church has a lot to do with the future of this world. When the church is lifted up out of this world, that means the end of the world. Even the future of satan and mankind is in the hand of the church. This will happen when the church rules with Christ in the millennial kingdom (Revelation 20 – Revelation 21:1).
The church should manage the wisdom of God until there
will be unity in faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man,
unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ and not easily struck
by the wind of doctrines (Ephesians 4: 13-14). The church of God must be mature
in the way of thinking, communicating, emotion and ambition, according to God’s
Beware, political views attacks Christianity nowadays
to shake the faith of churches. We can learn about this from the history of
Israel exodus from Egypt, where the hands of God must go down and help the
Israelites, for the Pharaoh had brought the Israel issues into political
interest, therefore it became a national issue (Exodus 1:8-22). If the work of
God be brought to be political issue then becoming national issue, no man’s
power could help but God Himself. Therefore be the children of God, and follow
His will. (Ephesians 5:1).
Now we can see the greatness of His workmanship upon
the church, to prepare the church so that they can reveal the wisdom of God to
those who are still living in sinful life and bring them to salvation. And one
day we will all gather with Him in heaven. Be proud to be the part of the body
of Christ, the Lamb. Amen
Rev. Timbul Silalahi
Sunday, Lemah Putro, 29th January 2017
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